Napa Legal is changing the world.

We are a network of attorneys and nonprofits committed to faith and freedom. Our strategic initiatives provide this network with the resources, formation, and community needed to protect these values.

2025 GCP National Lawyers Conference

2025 National Lawyers Conference

In the words of Napa Legal's Executive Director and Vice President Mary Margaret Bush, through the Good Counselor Project, Napa Legal "teaches attorneys one-on-one how to explore virtue and the first principles of law so that when they do practice their technical skills, they have the wisdom to do so in a way that makes the world a better place." If you want to start, continue, or revamp your journey into a philosophical understanding of what it means to be a good counselor, this is the place for you. Come to our open-invite GCP National Conference in Washington D.C. on March 27 to enrich both your practical and theoretical knowledge of the law.

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to Register

Our key programs are All Access, for nonprofit leaders, the Good Counselor Project, for attorneys, and the Faith & Freedom Index, for policymakers and active citizens.

All Access

Empowering founders and leaders of faith-based nonprofits. Learn more

The Good Counselor Project

Equipping attorneys committed to serving faith-based nonprofits. Learn more

The Faith and Freedom Index

Educating policymakers and citizens. Learn more

Some of our proud All Access Users
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Who Napa Legal Serves

Napa Legal’s resources are intended for faith-based nonprofits, religious organizations, churches, and the attorneys who work with them

We work with Nonprofits

Our resources are intended to be used by both nonprofit leaders and the attorneys who work with them.

We work with Attorneys

Through the Good Counselor Project, we provide attorneys with opportunities for fellowship,  community, and service,  as we support them in becoming “good counselors” to their clients.

Featured Resources for Nonprofits

Napa Legal equips nonprofits with the tools and resources they need so they can protect their organizations and achieve their missions. Use these resources to issue-spot, inform strategic decisions, comply with regulations, help build corporate documents, and reduce legal vulnerabilities. See all

Template Documents

Napa Legal’s template documents provide example language to assist nonprofit leaders, working with their attorney, in developing their own corporate documents such as bylaws, articles of incorporation, employment handbooks, and more.

Multi-State Compliance Matrix

A one-of-a-kind matrix designed to help prevent lack of awareness or misunderstanding of state regulations from threatening faith-based organizations.

Bylaws: Contexts and Clarifications

Bylaws: Context and Clarifications walks you through every section typically included in a nonprofit’s bylaws, explaining what the section covers, why it matters, and how to craft language that will protect the mission of your organization.

Featured Opportunities for Attorneys

The Good Counselor Project provides attorneys with opportunities for formation and community as we work with them to serve faith-based nonprofit organizations.

GCP Fellowship

Centered around the pillars of Formation, Service, and Community, GCP Fellows will discover the unique interplay between law, justice, and virtue, and what this means for their vocation.

GCP Network

GCP Network members serve on a volunteer basis to take on projects and produce educational resources for faith-based nonprofits. Network members include attorneys, accountants, and nonprofit professionals who are inspired by their faith and committed to religious liberty.



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Is Napa Legal related to Napa Institute
Does Napa Legal serve only Catholics? Or faith-based organizations more broadly?
What need does Napa Legal fulfill? How is Napa Legal different from other religious liberty organizations?
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What nonprofit leaders say about Napa Legal All Access

Marjorie Dannenfelser

President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

“Napa Legal’s work is making it possible for faith-based and pro-life groups to equip, prepare, and protect their organizations in a post-Roe landscape. Their practical tools and nonprofit resources are easy to understand and even easier to use. I recommend that every faith-based and pro-life organization sign up for Napa Legal All Access today!”

Alan Sears

Former CEO and Founder of Alliance Defending Freedom

“Faith-based nonprofits can save themselves a lot of time, trouble, and expense by signing up for Napa Legal All Access. You can determine in just a few seconds whether or not you need to comply with certain registration requirements and whether or not those registration requirements must be done before you engage in any type of fundraising in the particular state.”

Kate Abbot

Board member, Waterfront Academy

"Napa Legal has been a game-changer—instead of wandering around the internet looking up information and wondering if it's correct or would work for faith-based orgs, they have it all in one place."

Chaney Mullins Gooley

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America's HerPLAN

"All Access is exactly the tool that non-profits need to understand compliance and ensure they are protected. I hope many more claim their license."

Camille Pauley

President and CEO, Healing the Culture

"In this over-regulated, legally complicated world, it's a blessing beyond words to have Napa Legal there to protect and guide us. They've come to our rescue more times than I can count. Thank you for understanding our needs and speaking our language!"

Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P.

Director of the Thomistic Institute and Assistant Professor in Systematic Theology at the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.

"I think the Multi-state Compliance Matrix is a tremendous resource. I was absolutely flabbergasted at the quality of it when I first saw it."

Join All Access today!
The nonprofit account with the most benefits

All Access members will have access to Napa Legal’s templates, toolkits, whitepapers, as well as special resources like the Multi-State Compliance Matrix and Bylaws: Context and Clarifications